Savage Opress "The Younger Brother"

from $360.00

On the planet Dathomir, a warrior society of night brothers are raised by the night sisters and witches of Dathomir. They train and fight endlessly for the chance to prove worthy of being an apprentice of a Sith Lord. Raised in the dark side, Savage Opress was the younger and more brute brother, of Darth Maul. A Zabrak male, his only mission and goal was to fight. To fight and to win. By any means necessary. 

Size of Hilt: 65cm

Size of Blade: 2mm thickness, 92cm long, OD 1 inch

Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of stock sabers and accessories, and 6-8 weeks for custom orders.

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On the planet Dathomir, a warrior society of night brothers are raised by the night sisters and witches of Dathomir. They train and fight endlessly for the chance to prove worthy of being an apprentice of a Sith Lord. Raised in the dark side, Savage Opress was the younger and more brute brother, of Darth Maul. A Zabrak male, his only mission and goal was to fight. To fight and to win. By any means necessary. 

Size of Hilt: 65cm

Size of Blade: 2mm thickness, 92cm long, OD 1 inch

Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of stock sabers and accessories, and 6-8 weeks for custom orders.

On the planet Dathomir, a warrior society of night brothers are raised by the night sisters and witches of Dathomir. They train and fight endlessly for the chance to prove worthy of being an apprentice of a Sith Lord. Raised in the dark side, Savage Opress was the younger and more brute brother, of Darth Maul. A Zabrak male, his only mission and goal was to fight. To fight and to win. By any means necessary. 

Size of Hilt: 65cm

Size of Blade: 2mm thickness, 92cm long, OD 1 inch

Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of stock sabers and accessories, and 6-8 weeks for custom orders.